Tuesday, April 8, 2008

About Us

Before you go off and WASTE your money buying a guide, or risk getting spam or viruses from those OTHER so called "free-guides" that require you to register/download something, take a second to read a little bit about this guide and why you should read this free online guide instead of paying for those other guides out there:

-It works! Every step is tested and checked daily to see if it brings in the riches and if the market price changes will effect any step. In a recent study this guide was compared to the guides that you have to pay for. This guide was found to be as effective, if not better, than those guides.

Here's a reminder of how much you would need to pay for the sort of information you are getting from our guide for FREE:

Runescape Addicts' "Runescape 2: Rags to Riches"
$29.95 USD

Advanced Runescape's "Money Making Guide"
$5.95 USD

Runescape Guide's "Runescape Guide to Millions"
$12.00 USD
Total You Would Have to Spend For The Information Our Guide Provides for FREE: $47.90

If you want to update the guides at least twice, buy another two copies...


So as you can see, this guide is saving you $47.90 ($143.70 if you want to update their guide at least twice for the newer methods to making millions). And we give better information, plus we're up-to-date because we can update instantly when new information is released, and you would be able view those updates instantly. While the guides you have to pay for require you to BUY then DOWNLOAD. It takes a long time for them to update and then even longer to release the updated version of the guide, meaning you have to buy the guide AGAIN! Why settle for that when you can view our guide FREE, and be up-to-date anytime on the new Millionaire Techniques?

-All the steps are 100% legitimate and does not break any rules of Runescape. Just take a look at some [satisfied users].

-Anyone can become rich off it! Everything in this guide can be done by using a level 3 account with no need to level any skill. Whether you are a non-member or member, this guide is made so all methods work for both alike!

- Other guides ask you to register/download something (which 9 times out of 10 will send spam to your computer) after saying that their guide is free. We DON'T do this. This guide is 100% free.

-Unlike all the other guides, we don't use the same "results-of-the-guide-bank-image" they got from an autoclicker's website bank image and falsely claim that it was their guide's results.

-This guide stays updated since its online all the time, so you don't have to pay to download the updated version of a guide like the others (a common trick to get you to keep buying and buying if you wish to have the guide's updated version) .

-Best of all, its all FREE! Some guides charge $5, $10, and even up to $20. Well, this guide is FREE!

-You can count on this guide to make you one of the richest, wealthiest, and most powerful player in the game. Imagine walking around being able to call people higher levels than you a "NOOB" because they aren't in on how to make big bucks, but you are! Or being able to buy that rare armor of rare holiday item! That's what this guide can do for you. You can get started right away. Just read the box labeled "Navigation" to the right on how to get started now!


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