Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bounty Hunters = Bounty Money

Have you ever tried walking around in Bounty Hunters, in search for some kills, but ended up being killed? Have you ever wanted to know what it takes to become a true bounty hunters? What it takes to make MILLIONS of gp from bounty hunter? Well look no further, because you have just stumbled about Bounty Hunters = Bounty Money, your one stop guide on learning how to make MILLIONS in Bounty Hunters!

1. How to Become Good a Bounty Hunter

Now that you've seen just how much bounty hunters are capable of making, you might have considered becoming one yourself, so you too could make your own millions.

Well, in order to become one, you first need the proper stats:

Combat Level: 55-100. You want to maintain your combat level in between here because you don't want to be in the lower level crater where there isn't much people with rune to be killing, and you don't want to be in the high level crater where people are too smart to be killed. So keep your combat level between 55-100.
Range Level: 70+. If you have seen the PKers in the videos above, you have seen that they used a lot of range, and THEN switch to an Rune 2 Hander to finish off their opponents (a method that will be discussed later). So range is crucial to getting your opponent's initial HP down, and that's why you should strive for at least 70 range.
Strength Level: 75+. Most of the kills you have seen in the videos above are finished off by a blow with the Rune 2 Hander (a method that will be discussed later on in this guide). In order to make good use of the Rune 2 Hander kill finisher, you must have a good strength level in order to deal the heavy blows that your enemies won't suspect.
Attack Level: 40+. You need your attack level at minimum to be level 40, so you can wield Rune Weapons, but its recommended that you make it higher so you can have better accuracy.
Defense Level: 40+. Defense should be kept at level 40 so you can wear Rune Armor. With the enemies you'll encounter, some of them might hit very high. If you have Rune Armor, that will lower the need for you to keep eating and eating. And if you keep eating and eating because you have bad armor, you won't be able to hit your enemy. If you can't hit your enemy, you cant kill your enemy. If you can't kill your enemy, you can't get the armor they drop. If you cant get the armor your enemy drops, you don't have anything to sell at the Grand Exchange, meaning... you can't get any money. SO GET DEFENCE TO 40!
Prayer Level: 43. Prayer level is good to have, because first of all it allows you to activate your Strength and Attack prayers, giving you a better chance of finishing your opponent off with the Rune 2 Hander blow. Also, if you get it to 43, then say your opponent activates a protect from range or melee prayer. If you activate yours as well, chances are, he will end up dis activating his, and you yours. This will lead to a more damaging fight, giving you a better chance to finish off your opponent.
Magic Level: 31. You should have your magic at 31 for the Bounty Locate Spell. You DO NOT want to walk around looking for your bounty target. Just get this spell and be instantly teleported to him/her.
To attain these stats, here are some guides which you can follow (guides will be added shortly):

-Combat Training Guide
-Range Training Guide
-Magic Training Guide
-Prayer Training Guide

2. The Right Stuff

Alright, so you have your stats. Now what? Is it time to charge into Bounty Hunters yet? Sure, go ahead if you want to run in there with nothing and get pwned withing a minute. Stats are the most important part to making a good bounty hunter, but you also need the equipment that will make you ownage with the stats you have. To do so, make sure your bank has at least these following things before going on Bounty Hunter trips:

Rune Chain

Rune 2 Hander
Rune Full Helmet
Maple Short Bow
Amulet of Power

200+ Addy Arrows
Green Dragon Hide Chaps
Green Dragon Hide Vambraces
Combat Boots
100+ Sword Fishes (or lobsters)
10+ Strength Potions
30+ Sets of Locate Bounty Spells
You never know how long you might be at Bounty Hunters before getting a kill, so its best to pack your materials before you leave to go to the wildy. Otherwise you're going to have to go all the way back to varrok and buy your supplies at the Grand Exchange (unless you can find someone selling it at the Bounty Hunters bank).

Now, you, before you walk in, here is what your inventory and your body equipment should look like:


Strength Potion
Rune 2 Hander
3 Sets of Locate Bounty Spell (3 airs, 3 fires, 3 laws)
23 Sword Fish (or lobbies if you are willing to risk your health)

Rune Full Helm
Rune Chain
Amulet of Power

Maple Short Bow
100 Addy Arrows
Green D'hide Chaps
Green D'hide Vambs
Combat Boots

3. Getting Into Battle

As soon as you enter, you'll notice that you have a Bounty Target on the top right hand of your game screen. Before teleporting to your Target, you might want to consider these two things: Is he going to be a combat level I can handle? and Does he have a low combat, but has a 99 strength with which you can hit 33's on me? This two things are to be considered before you teleport to your target, so it helps to quickly look up your target on the high scores list to make sure he is something you can handle.

If you can handle your target, go teleport to your target. If you can't handle your target (and he honest with yourself), then you can hang around until you get a new target, or exit the crater and re enter for a new, more manageable target.

Try to take a sip of your Strength Potion BEFORE you teleport to your target, that way you don't have to waste a fighting blow by sipping a strength pot.

4. Battling Your Opponent

After watching countless youtube videos of the pros battling, I decided to try it out for myself. I finally figured out the method that makes them so good. Here's a step by step method on how to take down your opponent:

Start off by asking your opponent if they would care to have a no armor fight with you.
If so, excellent. If not, thats fine too (you'll find out why in a second).
First you want to fire arrows at your opponent using the rapid mode.
Let them go down in their HP, and keep going with firing arrows.
If they safe (meaning they eat too frequently), like before they reach 1/3 HP, then call them a safer and warn them that you'll leave if they don't stop safing.
Once you've gotten them down to 1/3 HP for the SECOND TIME, open up your prayer menu and activate the Ultimate Strength and Incredible Reflexes prayers.

This time, when they are going to go down to 1/3 HP, you will pull out a Rune 2 Hander, and here's how it works:
As you are shooting arrows, wait until you think you are about to shoot the arrow that will put them at 1/3 HP.
As soon as that arrow comes out of your bow, you have to swiftly switch to your Rune 2 Hander, and attack your opponent.
With luck, your arrow might have dealt maybe 10 HP of Damage, but with 75+ Strength, you could deliver blows of 25 dmg using Rune 2 Hander.

So you might hit basically 35 damage real quickly! That should be able to take out anyone with 1/3 HP left, even if they have a 99 HP level.
Observe the two videos shown at the beginning of this guide to see this Range/R2H combo in action.
If you opponent still isn't dead, just repeat the process, except this time, don't wait twice before whipping out your Rune 2 Hander, because your opponent already knows you have one.

If your opponent IS dead, then CONGRATULATIONS! You have just killed your opponent, and hopefully you picked to fight an opponent who had things worth killing for (like rune armor). Now you can sell his armor and the grand exchange any time to make thousands of GP. Then you can kill more and make GP of them too! Eventually you'll end up with a few million GP in your bank from killing people at bounty hunters and selling off the loot you get at the Grand Exchange.

1 Comment:

  1. zeek said...
    a good guide but hard to get to thoughs lvs

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